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As a result of the finding of initial elements that suggest the absence of conditions of effective competition in the national market of federal passenger transportation that uses terminals for the boarding and alighting of passengers, and related services, the Investigating Authority of the Federal Antitrust Commission (“COFECE”), initiated an investigation to identify and, if applicable, determine the probable existence of barriers to competition and free concurrence.

The initiation of the investigation does not imply any prejudgment therefore, the Investigating Authority will end up confirming or not such condition. In case of finding elements to determine the existence of barriers to competition or essential inputs, the Plenary of COFECE may take the following measures:

i. Order the economic agent to eliminate barriers that unduly affect the competition process;
ii. To issue recommendations to the authorities in case there are legal provisions that unduly prevent or distort competition and free concurrence;
iii. Determine the existence of essential inputs and issue guidelines for their regulation;
iv. Order the divestiture of assets, rights, social parts or shares of the economic agent involved, when other corrective measures are not sufficient to solve the identified competition problem.

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