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On October 10th, the Mexican Federal Government published on its website the Guidelines for the Healthy Continuity of Economic Activities during the COVID-19 pandemic (the “Current Guidelines”), which supersede the Technical Guidelines for the Reopening of Economic Activities, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on May 29, 2020. 

The Current Guidelines are applicable to all work centers nationwide and are provided in all cases as recommendations; nevertheless, it would be advisable to implement the measures as outlined. 

Use of masks. The use of masks is maintained as a suggestion, in open and closed spaces, without healthy distance, but in no case is their use mandatory.

COVID-19 testing. It is established that in no case should it be mandatory to take a test (RT-PCR, antigen or serological) for return to work, however, tests may be applied in the workplace, with the consent of the workers.

Likewise, the following recommendations are maintained: 

a. The designation of committees or persons responsible for the implementation, follow-up and supervision of hygiene measures.

b. Hand wash basins, soap, water and disposable paper towels or air dryers for hands, garbage cans, or in their absence, dispensers of at least 60% alcohol-based solution, in accesses and common areas of the work centers.

c. Maintain the ventilation systems working properly and with filter changes according to the supplier’s specifications.

d. Maintain a distance – as possible – of 1.5 meters between people during food consumption.

e. Use of masks during public transportation and application of at least 60% alcohol-based solution.

f.  Inform about the prevention measures established in the company’s Health Safety Protocol.

g. To have a training program for all workers on the actions to be taken in the workplace to prevent and avoid COVID-19 infection chains.

h. Establish a clear definition -in the Health Security Protocol- of the concepts of suspected, confirmed and contact cases.

i.  Have a questionnaire to identify symptoms of suspected cases, as well as a list or census of work and community contacts, including name, date of last work contact, names of contacts, time and place of exposure.

j.  To have a policy for the protection of workers to avoid conditioning their return to work by means of tests financed by the workers.

Should you require more information on this note, please contact us at info@rapa.mx.