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In order to promote rest and improve the productivity of Mexican workers and given that Mexico is one of the countries with the fewest paid days off, the Senate of the Republic unanimously approved a bill to amend Articles 76 and 78 of the Federal Labor Law in order to extend the vacation period for workers from six to 12 days.

Currently in Mexico, the right to vacation is generated by the time of rendering services; and thus, for the first year, the employee is entitled to at least six working days and increases by two working days, until reaching twelve days for each subsequent year of service. After the fourth year, the vacation period is increased by two days for every five years of service.

The ruling, which was approved in the Senate with 89 votes in favor and sent to the Chamber of Deputies, establishes that employees with more than one year of service will enjoy an annual period of paid vacation, which in no case may be less than 12 working days.  It adds that this vacation period will increase by two working days, until reaching 20, for each subsequent year of service; and specifies that workers must enjoy, on a continuous basis, at least 12 days of vacation.  

Although, according to the International Labor Organization, the fair vacation period should be at least three working weeks for one year of service, for Mexico this reform proposal represents a greater approach to guarantee the protection of the human rights recognized in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, as well as in the International Treaties. 

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