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On November 23, the Federal Economic Competition Commission (“Cofece“) published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the Agreement by which it initiates the investigation in the markets for the distribution and commercialization of corn, as well as the production, distribution and commercialization of corn flour and related services in Mexico (the “Market“), in order to determine the possible existence of barriers to competition and free concurrence and/or essential inputs that may generate anticompetitive effects.

Based on the information contained in the investigation file, there are elements that suggest that there are no conditions of effective competition in the Market. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the proceeding should not be understood as a prejudgment, and only if there are sufficient elements to support the possible existence of restrictions to the efficient functioning of the Market, Cofece will proceed in accordance with the Federal Antitrust Law.

Should you require more information on this note, please contact us at info@rapa.mx.