The National Institute of Statistics and Geography and Information Technology (“INEGI” for its Spanish acronym) published in the Federal Official Gazette (“DOF”) the daily, monthly, and annual values of the Updated Measuring Units (“UMA”).
The values are as follows (all in Mexican Pesos):
• Daily: $103.74
• Monthly: $3,153.70
• Annual: $37,844.40
It is important to remember that when there are mentions of the minimum salary as a calculation unit, index, base, measure, or reference to calculate the value of certain obligations and other situations provided for in local, state, or federal legislation, the UMA will be the value to be considered for the corresponding calculation.
In Social Security matters, insured persons will be enrolled taking as a basis the Base Contribution Salary in effect at the time of their enrollment.
The upper limit of the Base Contribution Salary will be the equivalent to 25 times the daily value of the UMA and the inferior limit will be the general minimum salary in force in the geographic area, as follows:
• In the case of the municipalities that are part of the Northern Border Free Zone, the upper limit will be $2,593.50 per day, and the inferior limit will be $312.41 per day.
•In the case of the other municipalities of the country and the Mexico City districts, the upper limit will be $2,593.50 per day, and the lower limit will be $207.44 per day.
This update will become effective on February 1st, 2023.
Should you require more information on this note, please contact us at info@rapa.mx.