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On April 25th, the Mexican Congress published in the Federal Official Gazette (“DOF”) an amendment to Article 210 of the Social Security Law.

Pursuant to the aforementioned article, the Mexican Social Security Institute (“IMSS”) must provide the following social benefits, among others, to its beneficiaries:

  • Hygiene, maternal and child health and first aid education; and
  • Disease and accident prevention.

With the approved amendment, the following benefits are included in addition to the previous ones:

  • Support for the nutrition of beneficiaries during pregnancy; and
  • Support for the nutrition of their children during the neonatal period through nutritional reinforcement and follow-up.

This reform came into effect on April 26th, and the IMSS will have a period of 180 days to make all the adjustments it deems necessary to establish the way in which it will provide nutritional follow-up to minors, and to establish the term for which nutritional support will be granted to pregnant women.

If you have questions or require additional information regarding this communication, please contact info@rapa.mx.