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On April 30, 2024, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare published in the Official Gazette of the Federation an agreement by which it published the catalog of forms for the valuation of occupational diseases.

The release of the aforementioned catalog was decreed in the amendment to the Federal Labor Law published on December 4, 2023. Additionally, such amendment updated the tables of Occupational Diseases and Valuation of Permanent Disabilities Resulting from Occupational Risks for the first time in 53 years.

The catalog of forms for the valuation of occupational diseases was conceived with the purpose of serving as a tool for medical professionals to relate the damage suffered by workers to their work activities.

By means of the present agreement, it was determined that the forms for the valuation of occupational diseases are comprised by:

  • Disease identification.
  • The causal agent(s).
  • Economic activities and occupations.
  • Clinical, paraclinical and occupational exposure elements.
  • Causality criteria.
  • Valuation criteria.

The entry into force of this agreement is May 1, 2024.

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