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On May 20, 2024 “Agreement No. A/054/2024 of the Energy Regulatory Commission” (the “Agreement”) was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

The Agreement contains the administrative provisions that establish the basis for the authorization of inspection units for load centers and the electricity industry (the “Provisions”). It also contemplates the inspection procedure and the operating conditions of the inspection units (the “IU”).

According to the Provisions, the IU must receive authorization according to the type of inspection to be performed:

  • UI-IC: Power Plant Interconnection and Load Center Connection Inspection Unit.
  • UI-PIC: Power Plant and Load Center Performance Test Inspection Unit.
  • UI-CRCC: Inspection Unit for Technical Requirements of the Network Code for Load Centers.

Regarding the inspection procedure, the Provisions contain the following aspects:

  • A Service Provision Contract must be entered into between the UI and the applicant.
  • The applicant must submit the information required by the UI in order for the UI to perform the inspection list.
  • The UI will perform the inspections and will grant or deny the Certificate of Compliance.

Should you have any questions or require additional information regarding this communication, please contact info@rapa.mx.