Decree amending, adding and repealing several provisions of the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration.
On November 28, 2024, the President of Mexico published in the Official Gazette of the Federation a decree introducing important amendments, additions and repeals to the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration. These amendments seek to strengthen the governmental structure, modernize its operation and align public institutions with the country’s strategic priorities.
Key points of the decree.
I. Reorganization and strengthening of decentralized administrative agencies.
Decentralized administrative bodies shall be hierarchical subjects of their agencies or parastatal entities. A more efficient operational framework is established, regulated by specific internal regulations, with new organizational models:
a) Administration and Finance Units (’’UAF’’):
– Mandatory in all centralized and parastatal agencies, with an organizational model regulated by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (’SHCP’’).
– The UAF will be responsible for administrative and financial management under strict guidelines of transparency and control. Their heads shall be freely appointed in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.
– The SHCP and the new Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Secretariat will oversee its operations to ensure accountability.
II. Creation of new agencies.
a) Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Secretariat:
Designed to lead the fight against corruption, guarantee transparency and strengthen internal control systems in all government agencies. It will be empowered to issue oversight standards, conduct audits and promote the professionalization of the public service.
b) Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency:
It will be the body in charge of promoting the digitalization of government services, improving connectivity in public institutions and developing technological tools to streamline administrative processes.
c) Women’s Secretariat:
It is responsible for coordinating federal actions to promote gender equity, prevent violence against women and guarantee their full access to social, economic, cultural and political rights. Gender policies will be transversal in public administration, including labor inclusion programs, protection mechanisms and the design of public policies focused on reducing inequality gaps.
III. Reorganization of existing secretariats.
– Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources: Acquires powers to regulate climate change, circular economy and management of protected natural areas, promoting environmental sustainability.
– Secretariat of Science, Humanities, Technology and Innovation: It will be the authority responsible for coordinating research policies, technology transfer and universal access to knowledge. It will also promote the training of high-level human resources for strategic projects.
– Ministry of Public Education: Strengthens its role in promoting digital connectivity in schools, physical education, and the development of cultural and sports projects.
– Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection: It receives greater powers in the areas of criminal intelligence, penitentiary administration and national coordination in public security, with a focus on respect for human rights.
IV. Administrative modernization.
The SHCP’s powers are strengthened to consolidate public procurement processes, expenditure planning and organizational structure in the agencies, guaranteeing efficiency and transparency in the use of resources.
V. Innovation and digitalization.
With the support of the Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency, the aim is to modernize public services through the use of technology, including strengthening administrative processes and improving connectivity throughout the country.
Expected impact.
This decree represents a significant structural change, with the objective of:
– Modernizing the Federal Public Administration, aligning it with current social and economic needs.
– Strengthening transparency, the fight against corruption and accountability.
– Promoting environmental sustainability and technological innovation.
– Strengthen public security and justice policies under an approach that is respectful of human rights.
Should you have any questions or require additional information regarding this communication, please contact info@rapa.mx.