Resolution whereby the Federal Competition Commission initiates an investigation in the market for the production and promotion of live entertainment events.
On November 11, 2024, the Federal Competition Commission (“COFECE”) published in the Official Journal of the Federation the Resolution by which the investigation was initiated regarding on the market for the production and promotion of live entertainment events, the transaction and administration for entertainment events, and the distribution and marketing of tickets for the aforementioned events, as well as for all other services related to these activities (the “Investigated Market”).
The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether there is any limitation on the competition and free concurrence and/or factors that could generate anticompetitive effects in this market.
Key points of the Resolution:
I. There are elements that presuppose the lack of effective competitive conditions in the market for the production and promotion of live entertainment events.
II. Consequently, an investigation was ordered.
III. This Resolution constitutes the act whereby the investigation was initiated to resolve the possible existence of restrictions to the efficient operation of the Investigated Market and analyze whether there are anticompetitive elements.
VI. The investigation started as of the date of publication, which may not be inferior to 30 days, nor exceed 120 days.
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