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On January 13, the President of the Mexican Republic submitted the Mexico Plan (Plan de México), which provides the strategy to achieve economic, equitable and sustainable development, in order to relaunch the certification marks “Made in Mexico” and “Hecho en México”. The purpose of this relaunch is to introduce Mexican products to the world and thereby guarantee that, the products are made in Mexico with the highest standards and quality.

On February 17, the agreement was published in the Official Gazette, which promotes the Mexican industry, as well as the quality of the products that are made in Mexico, therefore it is expected to promote the economic development and competitiveness of Mexican products at a global level.

I. Authorizations of Use.

a. The Ministry of Economy is the holder of the “Made in Mexico” and “Hecho en México”, certification marks, therefore, it has the faculties to grant the authorization of use, to the persons whose products or services comply with the rules of use.

b. The Interior Regulation of the Ministry of Economy establishes that the Normativity, Competitiveness and Competition Unit, will be empowered to receive, analyze and resolve the authorizations requests for the use of the certification marks.

II. Granting and use of rules.

a. The products must be manufactured, fabricated or assembled in Mexico.

b. Applicant´s products shall comply with the standards of quality and excellence.

c. The authorization of use of the certification marks shall not be subject of licenses.

d. The formal and substantial requirements must be complied, in order to grant the use of the “Made in Mexico” and “Hecho en México” certification marks.

e. The request must be submitted to the Normativity, Competitiveness and Competition Unit of the Ministry of Economy, which will resolve the request within 10 business days.

III. Duration and Renewal.

a. The authorization of use will be valid for 5 years, with the possibility of renewal.

IV. Penalties and Cancellation.

a. The authorization of use may be cancelled if the established rules of use are not complied.

b. The Normativity, Competitiveness and Competition Unit will be responsible for imposing sanctions and canceling authorizations whenever it is necessary.

Should you have questions or require additional information regarding this communication, please contact info@rapa.mx