On October 10th, the Mexican Federal Government published on its website the Guidelines for the Healthy Continuity of Economic Activities during the COVID-19 pandemic (the “Current Guidelines”), which supersede the Technical Guidelines for the Reopening of Economic Activities, published in
In order to regulate the different procedures to obtain the opinion of compliance with the tax obligations in social security matters by the subjects that require it to carry out any procedure or comply with any obligation, an agreement was
With the purpose of contributing to the exact observance of the Social Security Law, on August 31, 2022, an Agreement was issued whereby it was reaffirmed that persons over 15 years of age and under 18 (working minors), who provide
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (“LP Gas”) is the main fuel used by families and businesses in Mexico. Only from January to June of this year, the value of total LP Gas sales was more than 36 billion pesos, according to the
On August 23, 2022, a decree was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation ("DOF") amending several provisions of the General Regulations for Labor Inspection and Application of Sanctions (the "Regulations"). The purpose of the Regulation is to promote a
The Global COVID-19 pandemic brought an unforeseen digital revolution to the workplace. The Mexican legal system, including courts and regulators, have faced an unprecedented need (and now apparent preference) for digital solutions. As a result, questions have arisen in new
The Federal Antitrust Commission (“COFECE”), published in the Official Journal of the Federation the initiation of an investigation for possible absolute monopolistic practices in the maritime transportation services market in the State of Quintana Roo. According to the Federal Antitrust Law,
As a result of the finding of initial elements that suggest the absence of conditions of effective competition in the national market of federal passenger transportation that uses terminals for the boarding and alighting of passengers, and related services, the
On June 8, 2022, the Tax Administration Service published on its website the “First Anticipated Version of the Fifth Resolution of Amendments to the Tax Miscellaneous Resolution for 2022”, by virtue of which the use of version 3.3 of the
According to Article 9 of the Foreign Investment Law (“Law”), the previous authorization from the National Commission on Foreign Investments (“Commission”) is required in order for foreign investors to participate in the capital stock of Mexican company(ies) carrying out activities