Recently, COFECE's Merger Notification Guidelines were modified to include, among others, more information for the notification of joint ventures that could imply a concentration in terms of the Federal Antitrust Law ("FECL"). It also clarifies issues related to who are obliged
On Friday, May 7, the Fifty-Seventh Notice was published in the evening edition (591 Bis) of the Official Gazette of Mexico City, announcing that the color of the Epidemiological Traffic Light of Mexico City changes to yellow, and establishing that
As you are aware, on April 23, 2021, the Decree that amended, added and repealed various provisions on labor subcontracting was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation. In general terms, this Decree prohibits labor subcontracting; that is, that one
On April 20, 2021, a decree was approved by the Senate of the Republic that contains the proposal to amend certain laws of the legal system of the United Mexican States to regulate subcontracting, which was published in the Official
On April 16, 2021, the Senate of the Republic approved a decree through which several provisions of the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law are amended and added (the “Reform”). The purpose of the Reform, among others, is to create the National
On February 18, 2021, a draft of a decree (the "Draft") was approved by the Mexican Senate, which amends and adds the General Law of Securities and Credit Operations, the General Law of Credit Organizations and Auxiliary Activities and the